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As humanity expands its reach across the planet, harnessing its resources and striving to improve the livelihoods of billions of people worldwide, the urgency of ensuring the sustainability of our presence here is rapidly increasing.

Profound challenges need to be addressed, and the G20 has a great responsibility in leading the world towards concrete and lasting solutions. This entails a firm commitment to providing responses to key issues such as climate change, land degradation, biodiversity loss and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals enshrined in Agenda 2030. These are issues that have been on the G20 agenda for a long time and on which we now need to act quickly, and with new levels of ambition, if we are to be successful.

A transition towards renewable energies and a green recovery, with a focus on modern, “smart” cities, is essential, and is among the main priorities promoted by the Italian Presidency. We are working on new tools for sustainable urbanization, on energy efficiency, on improved, modern mobility. The G20 will also pave the way towards the 26th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26), a key milestone in the global fight against climate change, which will be co-hosted by Italy and the United Kingdom.

Addressing the needs of the planet is not an option, nor a balancing act between human flourishing and preserving our natural environment. It is a necessary condition to our common well-being, to international peace and security and, ultimately, to our long-term survival on this “pale blue dot”.